Fingers….meet everything

Sophia started this page as a quote page.  She wanted to do a daily quote for putting on the site.  Then she realized that’s tough to do every single day.

With Sophia, she has been one of those great kids who just likes to get her fingers in everything.    Literally she has to touch and feel and touch just about everything.   She moves things from here to there. She gets things out and tears things apart.   If something is missing, she usually knows where it is because she was the one to move it.      And not surprisingly, she was the first kid in our family who took an interest in this website and wants to learn more aboubt it.  So this is her page and who knows what you will see here.  I expect it will be different each time you visit.


NOVEMBER 21st 2017

“Sometimes the shortest path isn’t the best ”

– Ravi Zacharias



November 23 2017

“One of the most important  you can accomplish in life s just be yourself”

– the rock




Love keeps no reccord of worng


  • bible



knowledge  puffs  up  love builds up